51. | "Heavenly Bodies and Black Holes P 14 p. 98 978-0-86076-153-2University College of Swansea Publications Office(1998/05)
52. | "Heilungsmethoden Mit Hilfe Des Bewusstseins" (German Edition) P 74 p. 14 978-3-943110-51-7Lightning Source Inc.(2014/02)
53. | "Hey Doc": Memoirs of a Rural Family Physician P 250 p. 19 978-1-947966-18-5Lightning Source Inc.(2019/07)
54. | "History and Pathology of Vaccination" by Professor E.M. Crookshank [book Review] [microform]: Two Vols., London, Lewis, 1888 H 978-1-01-970122-5Legare Street Press()
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55. | "How Many More Questions?":Techniques for Clinical Interviews of Young Medically Ill Children '12 978-0-19-984382-4Oxford University Press, New York(2012/10)
56. | "How Not to Die Ahead of Schedule Q 00 978-1-900981-14-9出版社不明(2000/11)
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57. | "How To Blow Like A Pro" And 25 Other Essays About Blowjobs P 136 p. 16 978-1-5350-4972-6CreateSpace(2016/07)
58. | "How to Not Feel Crappy, Maybe Even Good" H 64 p. 12 978-1-77097-167-7FriesenPress()
59. | "How to Not Feel Crappy, Maybe Even Good" P 64 p. 12 978-1-77097-168-4FriesenPress(2012/05)
60. | "Human Anatomy & Physiology with Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook:a Complete Study Guide P 03 978-0-582-82230-6Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co.(2003/10)