
Co-Existence and Denial(Law, Justice and Power) H 240 p. 22

Co-Existence and Denial(Law, Justice and Power) H 240 p. 22

著者:Hocking, Barbara/Stephenson, Margaret A.



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The main features of the book will be a detailed interdisciplinary description, analysis and critique of law, justice and power determining the contemporary relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the settler state in five liberal social democracies, namely Anglo-Commonwealth states of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Nordic states of Norway, Sweden and Finland. The book will be breaking new ground by filling major gaps in the literature on the comparative political jurisprudence governing Indigenous-State. This book will be: the first book: that specifically identifies and illustrates the political-legal expression of the culture of denial of harm to Indigenous Peoples in the Anglo-Commonwealth and Nordic liberal social democratic states and that explores the barrier to just co-existence which denial constitutes; the first book: that specifically makes a comparative analysis of attempts to honour Indigenous Peoples’ human rights in the context of their rights to self-determination and co-existence in these particular liberal social democracies; and We conclude, among other things: that the culture of denial is ubiquitous and pervasive in varying degrees; that denial profoundly impedes the impetus for institutional and constitutional redesign for co-existence between peoples, and that despite this impediment, political-legal institutions and processes are capable of change in the direction of promoting co-existence; that comparison of law, policy, institutional design, ideas about justice is vital knowledge for reflexivity and cultural transformation, for the crafting of good law, the fettering of power and for doing justice in the relationship between Indigenous Peoples, the settler state the dominant polity in these liberal social democracies.


出版社: Routledge
出版年月: 出版予定年月未定
ISBN-10: 0754621987
ISBN-13: 978-0-7546-2198-0
出版国: イギリス
装丁: hardcover/Geb./rel.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 240 p.
ジャンル: 憲法