31. | Textbook of Fetal Cardiology. hardcover 600 p., 500 illus. 978-1-900151-63-4Oxford University Press(出版予定年月未定)
32. | The Neurology of Eye Movements. 4th ed. 776 p. 978-0-19-530088-8Oxford University Press, New York(出版予定年月未定)
33. | Urinary Incontinence. paper 256 p., 100 figs. 978-1-900151-16-0Oxford University Press(出版予定年月未定)
34. | Vaccine Science and Policy: A Primer for Public Health and Clinical Practice. hardcover 320 p. 978-0-19-515551-8Oxford University Press, New York(出版予定年月未定)
35. | Vesicoureteral Reflux. hardcover xvi, 240 p., 50 b/w illus., 61 color illus. 14 978-3-540-69503-5Springer-Verlag GmbH(出版予定年月未定)
36. | Statistics Applied to Bioinformatics. paper 400 p. 978-0-19-922676-4Oxford University Press(出版予定年月未定)
37. | Anatomy of the Nose, Paranasal Sinuses and Antherior Skull Base. hardcover 224 p., 300 illus. 978-3-540-00975-7Springer-Verlag GmbH(出版予定年月未定)
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39. | Behavioral and Social Science in Medicine 1st ed. 2020 H 900 p. 20 978-1-4614-1730-9Springer-Verlag New York(出版予定年月未定)
40. | Verbrennungen 2nd ed. H Etwa 300 S. 19 978-3-7091-1477-3Springer Verlag Wien(出版予定年月未定)