41. | "Careers in Information Technology(The Goodman Vol.1) P 142 p. 24 979-8-2241-9400-1出版社不明(2024/01)
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42. | "Careers in Information Technology(The Goodman Vol.1) P 246 p. 24 979-8-2241-6841-5出版社不明(2024/04)
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43. | "Cloud Computing: Navigating the Digital Skyline" P 64 p. 978-6-20-746413-5Lap Lambert Academic Publishing()
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44. | "Code Worlds: Exploring the Frontier of Operating Systems" P 56 p. 978-6-20-764996-9Lap Lambert Academic Publishing()
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45. | "Communications for global harmony" held November 14-16, 1995 in Singapore.(GLOBALCOM, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 978-0-7803-2510-4Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (#0038)(1995/01)
46. | "Con la muerte en los talones", de Alfred Hitchcock : una interpretación desde la psicología analítica de C.G. Jung P 170 p. 22 978-84-685-7286-4出版社不明(2022/11)
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47. | "DORNIER" electronic cards P 52 p. 21 978-6-20-363463-1Lightning Source Inc.(2021/05)
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49. | "Dampf" Dessen Erzengung Und Verwendung: Nebst Katalog Der Fabrikate Der Babcock & Wilcox Co P 188 p. 978-1-02-166895-0Legare Street Press()
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50. | "De Intestini Duodeni Nexu et Situ" of Laurentius Claussen P 196 p. 16 978-0-9853028-4-9Lightning Source Inc.(2016/07)