81. | Einführung in die Editionswissenschaft (De Gruyter Studium) '11 978-3-11-019154-7Walter de Gruyter & Co.(出版予定年月未定)
82. | Stories on Skin: A Librarian's Guide to Tattoos as Personal Archives P 200 p. 26 978-1-4408-7764-3Praeger(出版予定年月未定)
83. | Systematic Data Collection 2nd ed. P 136 p. 26 978-1-4522-8304-3Sage Publications Ltd.(出版予定年月未定)
84. | Children's Literature Review: Excerts from Reviews, Criticism, and Commentary on Books for Children and Young People( 285) H 26 978-1-5358-8623-9Gale(出版予定年月未定)
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89. | Contemporary Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Scriptwri 978-1-5358-8604-8Gale(出版予定年月未定)
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90. | Contemporary Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Scriptwri 978-1-5358-8603-1Gale(出版予定年月未定)
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