著者:Johnston, Emma/Mann, Eleanor
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This book takes parents from feeling disconnected to reconnecting with their true, authentic center, so they can be free to respond the way they really want to and create a life of ease, consciousness, and enjoyment in their family life. Many people who come to The Reconnected-both a program and a parenting community-are self-aware, know a lot about parenting, and already have a lot of tools in their toolbox. They know their triggers and when they are triggered; they know about regulation; and they even have lists of scripts and are knowledgeable about what experts think they should do and say in those moments. But . . . They find that when it comes down to it, in the moment of stress, they can't seem to actually make a difference in the way they respond. Reconnected Parenting is a guide to help parents do better in the moments that count, and it shows the reader how understanding the nervous system and using our breath to rewire our reactions from our body up, creates deep, lasting change. The reader will be taken on a journey through the science behind the nervous system and how this is holistically linked to connecting to our truest and spiritual selves.
出版社: Hay House UK Ltd.
ISBN-10: 1837824800
ISBN-13: 978-1-83782-480-9
出版国: イギリス
装丁: paper/Kt./br.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 257 p.
ジャンル: 生活科学