著者:Marlowe, Christopher
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An adventurous and wonderful Faerie Tale, a joy to read for both children and adults alike. In Dingle Dell, a beautiful ramshackle, but perfect faerie glade, lived Faerie Karis, one of the most kindly, but not to be underestimated of Faeries. With the help of bumbling bees, she tends to her wildflower meadow in the hope of something very special happening, and which only occurs once every millennium - the birth of a buttercup baby, a baby formed by Angels and delivered in a flower. And it's been 999 years since the last ... Antigone, the most joyful, roly-poly, buttercup baby you've ever seen, is born into this enchanted glade. Not only does she have her Faerie guardians to support her - with motherly Faerie Karis, fleet-footed Jumping Joehosophat, and the not entirely responsible fat bellied very naughty Bapou - but also the wise three-legged toad, untalkative talking ravens, and a Scrumpit rounding off an at-times hectic Faerie glade. And this isn't even mentioning the ferocious pheasant, Slim David, and a certain clan of rumbustious, but lovable filching Pixies, intent on robbery and ruining the highlight of the Faerie calendar - the annual Faerie foot race and the Orange Moon Ball. Narrated by Kit Marlowe himself, - or is it perhaps Shakespeare, who was not only witness to the events recounted, but also a late bit part player - this is a warm, fuzzy retelling of an epic episode of Faerie history, and gives us insight into what characters like Voltaire, Charles Dickens, and other key historical giants get up to when visiting the Faerie kingdom ... We don't want to give too much away, so let's just say it shouldn't be missed !
出版社: The Choir Press
ISBN-10: 1789634970
ISBN-13: 978-1-78963-497-6
出版国: イギリス
装丁: paper/Kt./br.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 134 p.