著者:Lee, Allison
1. | 手配先によって価格が異なります。 |
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Many people want to run their own smallholding but wonder how easy it is and what exactly is involved. 'Free-range and Flourishing: The Smallholder's Year' offers valuable guidance to anyone seeking to embrace this aspect of rural life. Unlike farming, a smallholding doesn't require acres of land making it a far more accessible option. Author and smallholder Allison Lee provides hints and advice on growing fruit and vegetables, raising various animals, and encouraging wildlife. Drawing on her own experience she focuses on topics from choosing the right field shelters, fencing and equipment, to caring for donkeys, ponies, sheep, goats, pigs and chickens. Covering a year in the life of a smallholder, this book will encourage readers to be mindful of the seasons and enable them to understand the essential jobs that must be done all year round to keep livestock safe and healthy and the land productive. Only then can the smallholder enjoy a pleasurable and innovative lifestyle.
出版社: Quiller Publishing Ltd.
ISBN-10: 1846894123
ISBN-13: 978-1-84689-412-1
出版国: イギリス
装丁: paper/Kt./br.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 128 p.
ジャンル: 生活科学