著者:Rippin, Sally
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The School of Monsters has begun. Let's learn ABC and 123 - just for fun! The School of Monsters: Learn and Play series bridges the gap between school and home to ignite the spark of learning. Kids getting ready for kinder and school will love practising real schoolwork with their friends at the School of Monsters - in a funny, silly (and smelly) way! Each book is full of teacher-approved worksheets and activities to promote school readiness! Kids will love other books in the School of Monsters Learn and Play series: Fun with Letters! Fun with Numbers! Fun with Shapes! Fun with Words! Fun with Phonics! Big Book of Fun!
出版社: Little Hare Books
ISBN-10: 1761215264
ISBN-13: 978-1-76121-526-1
出版国: オーストラリア
装丁: paper/Kt./br.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 64 p.