
An IRA Revolutionary at War: Sean Moylan H 272 p. 24

An IRA Revolutionary at War: Sean Moylan H 272 p. 24

著者:Duggan, Eamonn



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This book details the extraordinary life of Sean Moylan. Moylan became a major and very influential character in the war against the British during the years 1919 to 1921. Moylan, and the men he commanded, fearlessly confronted the enemy and managed to claim a string of notable IRA victories against all the odds which, to this day, are embedded in local and national folklore. The purpose of this book, based on the author's very extensive research into the Bureau of Military History's Witness Statement archive, is to revisit the life of a true Irish hero whose exploits during the War of Independence contributed, in no small way, to bringing the British to the negotiating table. Moylan graduated from being captain of the Newmarket Volunteers Company to Commanding Officer of the IRA's Cork No 2 Brigade by the time he was captured by the British in May 1921. During the War of Independence he also led a very effective Active Service Unit which inflicted major damage on the forces of the Crown at places like Clonbanin and Tureengarriffe. Such was his military prowess he had the distinction of not losing even one of his men in the many engagements he oversaw with the enemy. During the conflict he became a legendary and influential figure among his own people in Cork, not only because of his military activities but also because of his political work as a Sinn Fein member of the Dail. In May 1921, Moylan was eventually captured by the British but because of an extraordinary set of circumstances he narrowly avoided the death penalty. He went on to oppose the Anglo-Irish Treaty because it failed to deliver the Irish Republic he had gallantly fought for. During the Civil War he spent many months in the United States of America, at the behest of Eamon de Valera, raising money for the Republicans and championing the anti-Treaty cause. After the Civil War, Moylan was eventually coaxed back into politics by de Valera who saw in him a potential to contribute to the emerging Ireland


出版社: Austin Macauley Publishers
出版年月: 2024/11
ISBN-10: 1036115283
ISBN-13: 978-1-03-611528-9
出版国: イギリス
装丁: hardcover/Geb./rel.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 272 p.
ジャンル: 各種テーマ史