著者:Nilsson, Sanja
1. | 手配先によって価格が異なります。 |
2. | 納期遅延や入手不能となる場合がございます。 |
3. | 海外のクリスマス休暇等、お正月等の長期休暇時期の発注は、納期遅延となる場合がございます。 |
4. | 天候(国内・海外)により空港の発着・貨物受入不能の発生により納期遅延となる場合がございます。 |
5. | 複数冊数のご注文の場合、分納となる場合がございます。 |
6. | 美品のご指定は承りかねます。 |
New Religious Movements have arisen not only in the present but have also developed in the past. While they differ in ideology and practice, they generally seem to live in high tension with mainstream society, especially when it comes to child-rearing. This Element examines several aspects of children growing up in new religions. It relies upon literature from different groups concerning child upbringing, the function of children in the groups considering the religious ideologies, and parental perspectives and parental styles. It also utilizes accounts from young adults growing up in these groups, both those who chose to stay and who chose to leave their groups as adults. A range of topics, such as socialization, education, health care, and relations to surrounding society are explored. In addition, this Element considers issues of physical and emotional abuse, state interventions, and the impact of second- and third generations of children in new religions.
出版社: Cambridge University Press
ISBN-10: 1009565125
ISBN-13: 978-1-00-956512-7
出版国: イギリス
装丁: hardcover/Geb./rel.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 75 p.
ジャンル: 宗教学:概論