著者:Rycroft, Lucy
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Stillness is an alien concept in today's busy world. Communication, entertainment, work and relationships seem accessible to us 24-7, and it can feel impossible to change the pace. In Be Still, Lucy Rycroft takes us on a journey of 30 Bible devotions, reflecting on the concept of being still. From Moses leading the Israelites through the Red Sea, to the raw emotions of the Psalms, to Jesus calming the storm, the focus of this book is how we, as Christians living in the crazed busyness of the 21st century, can absorb biblical truths to help us discover what being still looks like for us today.
出版社: BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship)
ISBN-10: 1800393970
ISBN-13: 978-1-80039-397-4
出版国: イギリス
装丁: paper/Kt./br.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 144 p.
ジャンル: 生活科学