著者:Mensah, Emanuele
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Everything the connoisseur could ever want to know about gin, the spirit that sparked a worldwide distilling boom. Nothing communicates elegance and refinement like a Martini. Nothing refreshes on a warm summer day like a Gin & Tonic. It is no accident that gin stands at the center of these iconic cocktails, as its bold, unique character leaves a lasting impression everywhere it appears. Big Gin is the definitive exploration into this beloved spirit, tracing its history from London's Gin Craze to the recent renaissance that sparked a worldwide distilling boom. Aficionados will find their appreciation for their favorite varieties deepened and discover new varieties to fall in love with, while the cocktail connoisseur will uncover innovative craft offerings that are pushing the spirit in exciting directions. Inside you'll find: The history of gin A breakdown of the botanicals that lend gin its unique character An in-depth exploration of the predominant style, London dry Profiles of Hendrick's, Tanqueray, Beefeater, and other major players Interviews with the master distillers who are both preserving tradition and pushing the spirit forward Recipes for the perfect Martini, Gin & Tonic, Negroni, and other beloved gin-based cocktails
出版社: Tommy Nelson
ISBN-10: 1400342007
ISBN-13: 978-1-4003-4200-6
出版国: アメリカ合衆国
装丁: hardcover/Geb./rel.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 464 p.