著者:White, Charlene
1. | 手配先によって価格が異なります。 |
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3. | 海外のクリスマス休暇等、お正月等の長期休暇時期の発注は、納期遅延となる場合がございます。 |
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Depending on circumstance, 'home' may not simply be where we rest, eat and sleep. With the concept of home comes questions of ancestry, identity and belonging, and the understanding that there is no one fixed idea of what or where home is. In No Place Like Home, Charlene White boldly shares her own story and understanding of home as a Jamaican Londoner exploring all the smells, memories and voices from her childhood. Alongside her personal story, White interviews eight individuals who give their perspectives on home and their experiences that are shaped by myriad events from difficult family situations to desperate political upheaval and war. No Place Like Home is a powerful and heartfelt exploration of family, food and finding your place, as well as the moments in history that have changed the way we feel about the simplest of terms: 'home'.
出版社: Abacus
ISBN-10: 0349703663
ISBN-13: 978-0-349-70366-4
出版国: イギリス
装丁: paper/Kt./br.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 256 p.
ジャンル: 生活科学