著者:Blake, Raymond
1. | 手配先によって価格が異なります。 |
2. | 納期遅延や入手不能となる場合がございます。 |
3. | 海外のクリスマス休暇等、お正月等の長期休暇時期の発注は、納期遅延となる場合がございます。 |
4. | 天候(国内・海外)により空港の発着・貨物受入不能の発生により納期遅延となる場合がございます。 |
5. | 複数冊数のご注文の場合、分納となる場合がございます。 |
6. | 美品のご指定は承りかねます。 |
The Cote d'Or may be small in size but its influence is huge and its reputation alone can intimidate even the most seasoned wine professional. Divided into two halves, the Cote de Nuits and the Cote de Beaune, it is little more than a 30-mile stretch of vineyard but some of the world's best known - and most expensive - wines are produced here. Of all the world's wine regions it is here that terroir pushes itself to the fore, explaining the eye-watering prices paid for even the most modest parcels of vineyard. Raymond Blake's companionable Cote d'Or demystifies this notoriously complicated region, explaining succinctly the history of winemaking in this part of Burgundy, the complexity of the subdivided vineyards and the special role played by geology and climate in the creation of these wines. Visiting a selection of notable producers, Blake provides his take on each, along with a suggestion of that winemaker's most distinctive or interesting wine for readers to try. After a rundown of the characteristics of each vintage from the last 30 years, and notes on some outstanding earlier vintages, Blake considers what the future might hold for the cote, including the challenges posed by premature oxidation, extreme weather and world events. He ends the book by providing some ideas to help those planning a trip to the region get the most out of their visit. This fresh take on one of the world's most influential wine regions is an essential addition to the library of any burgundy enthusiast.
出版社: Académie du Vin Library Ltd.
ISBN-10: 1913141942
ISBN-13: 978-1-913141-94-3
出版国: イギリス
装丁: paper/Kt./br.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 360 p.