著者:Elin, Phyllis L./Rapaport, Max
1. | 手配先によって価格が異なります。 |
2. | 納期遅延や入手不能となる場合がございます。 |
3. | 海外のクリスマス休暇等、お正月等の長期休暇時期の発注は、納期遅延となる場合がございます。 |
4. | 天候(国内・海外)により空港の発着・貨物受入不能の発生により納期遅延となる場合がございます。 |
5. | 複数冊数のご注文の場合、分納となる場合がございます。 |
6. | 美品のご指定は承りかねます。 |
This book was written to demystify critical standards related to information security, records management privacy information management for the modern librarian and archival professional.In the digital age, librarians and archival professionals play a crucial role in safeguarding the world's knowledge. A Librarian's Guide to ISO Standards for Information Governance, Privacy, and Security is a curated resource for librarians, presenting core ISO standards related to information governance, data privacy, and security. The book provides detailed summaries of these standards, along with case studies and advice on applying them in the modern digital age. It empowers library staff and patrons to prioritize data security and privacy, ensuring trust and confidentiality in their services. The purpose is to demystify critical standards related to information security, records management privacy information management for the modern librarian and archival professional. Inside, you will find detailed summaries of the core ISO standards, descriptions, and case studies illustrating how these standards can apply to librarians in the modern digital age, advice on how to cultivate a culture of data security, and privacy awareness among library staff and patrons.
出版社: Business Expert Press
ISBN-10: 1637425457
ISBN-13: 978-1-63742-545-9
出版国: アメリカ合衆国
装丁: paper/Kt./br.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 284 p.
ジャンル: 商法