
A Whole New Student:21st Century Learning Skills, Dispositions, Resources, and Tools '12

A Whole New Student:21st Century Learning Skills, Dispositions, Resources, and Tools '12

著者:Dow, Mirah J.



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Using energetic, student-first language, this book unpacks past and present educational theories, assumptions, models, practices, and tools that have until now driven the practices used in the school day in classrooms and libraries. It discusses major issues that educators face in instructing and protecting all children and youth in an information rich world. It suggests innovative approaches to help students achieve multiple literacies. From a combination of academic theory, research-based practices, and educator and student antidotes, an image of a whole new student who has already arrived will become apparent. The shift underway in today's school libraries and the librarian's role in using the Standards for the Twenty-First Century Learner(ALA, AASL, 2007) is emphasized. Educators who read this book discover skills, dispositions in action, responsibilities, and self-assessment strategies necessary to prepare the independent student for the future. Authentic examples will be included throughout. Today's students have been transformed-mostly outside school-by the availability of sophisticated, electronic equipment and access to web-based information. Students no longer learn by simply sitting still while listening to a teacher speak from the front of the classroom-or at least, students don't want to. Many educators and school administrators must catch-up to this reality. School librarians are leading the way.The school librarian who operates a networked center and participates in integrated instruction with content teachers and technologists helps students to become tomorrow's problem-solvers. Using electronic equipment and Internet-based information, this problem-solver has the confidence and authority to participate in the creation of new ideas.


出版社: Libraries Unlimited
出版年月: 出版予定年月未定
ISBN-10: 1591587212
ISBN-13: 978-1-59158-721-7
出版国: アメリカ合衆国
装丁: paper/Kt./br.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 160 p.
ジャンル: 図書館学・情報科学