著者:Engel, T
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6. | 美品のご指定は承りかねます。 |
This updated second edition of the bestselling guide to the knowledge and tools in the field now has approximately 30% new content, including new methods and applications, while also forming a bridge to bioinformatics. The textbook retains the very clear and didactical structure of its predecessor, starting from the basics and the theory, before going on to provide an overview of the methods and showing a wide range of applications. Learning is now even easier thanks to exercises at the end of each section or chapter. Software tools are explained in detail, so that the students not only learn the necessary theoretical background, but also how to use the different software packages available. Another valuable new feature is a CD containing step-by-step tutorials and answers to the exercises. For master and PhD students in chemistry, biochemistry and computer science, as well as providing an excellent introduction for other newcomers to the field.
出版社: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
ISBN-10: 3527328726
ISBN-13: 978-3-527-32872-7
出版国: ドイツ
装丁: hardcover/Geb./rel.
媒体: 冊子
ページ数: 300 p.
ジャンル: バイオインフォマティクス