211. | Reflections from the Covid-19 Frontline paper 190 p. 21 978-0-367-77251-2CRC Press(出版予定年月未定)
212. | Clinical Trials in Endocrinology 2500 p. 26 978-3-031-67429-7Springer-Verlag GmbH(出版予定年月未定)
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213. | Neumann's Kinesiology - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card) 978-0-323-84811-4Elsevier US(出版予定年月未定)
214. | Neumann's Kinesiology:Foundations for Occupational Therapy '26 978-0-323-84807-7Elsevier US(出版予定年月未定)
215. | Colonial Diatoms H 450 p. 26 978-1-394-19809-2John Wiley & Sons, Inc.(出版予定年月未定)
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219. | Practical Soft Tissue Pathology: a Diagnostic Approach 3rd ed. H 26 978-0-323-80921-4Elsevier Science B.V.(出版予定年月未定)
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220. | Side Effects of Cancer Therapy:Prevention and Treatment, 3rd ed. '26 978-3-031-47274-9Springer International Publishing(出版予定年月未定)