201. | Embryos of Living Dinosaurs:Interpreting and Resoliving Developmental Evidence '24 978-1-138-03538-6CRC Press(出版予定年月未定)
202. | Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care, 2nd ed. '22 978-3-030-62292-3Springer International Publishing(出版予定年月未定)
203. | Biology of Disease(Fundamentals of Biomedical Science) paper 368 p. 26 978-0-19-953957-4Oxford University Press(出版予定年月未定)
204. | Small Animal Surgical Pathology H 250 p. 21 978-1-4987-7155-9CRC Press(出版予定年月未定)
205. | Differenzialdiagnostik und Therapie manualmedizinisch-osteopathischer Syndrome 2016th ed. H 750 p. 19 978-3-642-38687-9Springer-Verlag GmbH(出版予定年月未定)
206. | Case Studies in Skeletal Trauma Resulting from Human Rights Abuses and Armed Conflict P 320 p. 26 978-1-4665-7172-3CRC Press(出版予定年月未定)
207. | Eat, Poop, Die: How Animals Make Our World P 288 p. 978-0-316-37302-9Little Brown and Company(出版予定年月未定)
208. | Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers paper 336 p. 20 978-0-316-23483-2Little Brown and Company(出版予定年月未定)
209. | Natural Products and Digestive Health(Clinical Pharmacognosy Series) H 304 p. 24 978-1-4987-5510-8CRC Press(出版予定年月未定)
210. | Reflections from the Covid-19 Frontline hardcover 190 p. 21 978-1-03-201779-2CRC Press(出版予定年月未定)