191. | How to Plan Lessons Brilliantly P 160 p. 23 978-0-415-64052-7Routledge(出版予定年月未定)
192. | Jumpstart Spelling and Vocabulary(Jumpstart) H 192 p. 50 978-1-138-81972-6Routledge(出版予定年月未定)
193. | Jumpstart Spelling and Vocabulary(Jumpstart) P 192 p. 50 978-1-138-81975-7Routledge(出版予定年月未定)
194. | Learning to Teach ICT in the Secondary School 2nd ed.(Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School Series Volume 1) P 232 978-0-415-81949-7Routledge(出版予定年月未定)
195. | Literacy Across the Early Years Foundation Stage H 192 p. 23 978-1-138-02234-8Routledge(出版予定年月未定)
196. | Literacy Across the Early Years Foundation Stage P 192 p. 23 978-1-138-02235-5Routledge(出版予定年月未定)
197. | Natural Water Activities for the Early Years P 192 p. 23 978-1-138-18867-9Routledge(出版予定年月未定)
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199. | New Technologies and Creativity in the Secondary School P 224 p. 25 978-0-415-57471-6Routledge(出版予定年月未定)
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